ConnectED is Ariel Trost, Lynn Tracy, Suzannah Neufeld, and Elizabeth Burns Kramer
Elizabeth Burns Kramer, PhD
Elizabeth is a psychologist and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist obsessed with derailing eating disorders and anxiety from taking over the lives of tweens, teens, young (and not so young) adults, and families. She thrives when collaborating with individuals, families, and parents to implement strategies, both creative and evidenced-based, that stop the eating disorder behaviors and thoughts. Dr. EBK loves nothing more than seeing people eat all the foods without stress, embrace how good being fully nourished feels, halt the family meal battles, be connected to their day to day, and move past their anxiety. She actively provides direct feedback, loves using humor, and enthusiastically rejects diet culture. Dr. EBK spends her time outside of the therapy office binge-reading YA and adult fiction, playing competitive Uno with her kids, singing aloud to Dispatch, and trying hard not to kill her latest potted plant.
Suzannah Neufeld, MFT
Suzannah is a psychotherapist, yoga therapist, and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist who has supported people coping with eating disorders, body image concerns, and maternal mental health since 2003.Suzannah’s work is rooted in evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches and a collaborative, authentic relationship. She meets her clients with a compassionate yet direct manner, using gentle and honest confrontation, mindfulness skills, and humor/playfulness to help them gain insight and perspective and live more fully and freely. She enjoys public engagement and has been invited by professional organizations, universities, and parent groups to present on topics such as eating disorders, body image, media literacy, perinatal mood disorders, and yoga therapy. Suzannah is the author of Awake at 3am: Yoga Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood.
Lynn is a licensed psychologist with a passion for working with those affected by eating disorders. With over 20 years of clinical, teaching, and research experience in the field, Lynn is committed to helping her clients realize their recovery goals, to training other professionals, and to body liberation activism. Lynn holds Eating Disorder Specialist and Supervisor certifications and served on UC Berkeley’s mulitdisciplinary Eating Disorder Treatment Team. Lynn values mentoring and connecting professionals through her ongoing clinical consultation group for ED therapists. Most recently, as a way to increase access to qualified ED care within a social justice framework, Lynn co-founded the LEDE: Liberation Eating Disorder Education program in Berkeley. She maintains a private practice in Oakland serving adults and families.
Ariel Trost, PhD
Born, raised, and educated in the Bay Area, Ariel first fell in love with psychology as a high school student. Over the past 20+ years, she has been an active member of the eating disorder treatment community - at college counseling centers, outpatient treatment centers, and - for the last decade - in private practice. Leading with warmth and nonjudgment, Ariel invites clients to be curious about how their beliefs, behaviors, and relationships are serving them and how to compassionately create the small and sustainable changes that will help them lead more connected and satisfying lives. In addition to long term clients, Ariel consults with families navigating the complicated terrain of raising healthy teens and provides professional trainings and consultation to fellow clinicians interested in further developing their eating disorder treatment skills. A great day for Ariel is usually spent indulging her love of her dogs, podcasts, and the Oakland redwoods.